Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

VinChain memecahkan masalah informasi asimetris di pasar kendaraan bekas dengan membuat repositori siklus hidup kendaraan yang terdesentralisasi, tidak berubah, transparan, aman, dan dapat diandalkan.

*Tentang VinChain*

VinChain blockchain adalah database yang mencatat semua informasi yang berkaitan dengan kendaraan. Untuk setiap kendaraan, akumulasi informasi selama seluruh periode pemakaian. Sejarah ini transparan dan mudah diakses oleh semua orang. Untuk melindungi keakuratan informasi, didistribusikan teknologi penyimpanan yang digunakan. Ini menjamin kehandalan absolut dan keamanan data.

*Tujuan Proyek*

Mengubah pasar mobil bekas global dengan membuatnya jujur, transparan, andal dan dengan akses yang sama terhadap informasi untuk setiap peserta.

*Misi VinChain*

*Buat blok dengan berbagai tingkat akses dan perlindungan informasi. Tingkat keamanan data harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan instansi pemerintah.

*Membawa para peserta di industri otomotif, seperti produsen, perusahaan asuransi, dealer, bengkel,
pengembang sistem navigasi, menjadi ekosistem tunggal tujuan pertukaran data.

*Buat infrastruktur dan berikan akses langsung ke database untuk setiap pasar.

*Solusi yang ditawarkan VinChain*

Untuk setiap mobil kami akan mengeluarkan capch Passport, yang akan disimpan dalam daftar terdistribusi. Proyek VinChain akan mempertemukan semua penyedia data dan membuat sejarah mobil berlanjut, tanpa kekurangan database terpusat. Pelaku pasar seperti pabrikan mobil, dealer mobil, perusahaan asuransi, perusahaan leasing dan bank semuanya membutuhkan sejarah eksploitasi dan mereka membutuhkan transparansi, keterjangkauan, kehandalan dan keaslian. Pembeli saat ini memilih mobil juga bisa segera memerintahkan laporan kita.

*Sistem operasi VinChain*

Ketika kami menerima blockchain permintaan, kami menemukan data di keseluruhan rantai dan kami membuat dan mengirimkan informasi dalam bentuk terstruktur. Biaya untuk informasi tersebut diterima oleh register anggota dimana informasi digunakan. Entah penjual atau pembeli kendaraan bekas akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari menghilangkan informasi asimetris dari pasar mobil bekas.

Bila pembeli tahu semua informasi tentang kendaraan tertentu, ini akan menciptakan kepercayaan diri dalam proses dan bersiap membayar lebih. Bagi penjual, mempublikasikan keseluruhan sejarah kendaraan yang meningkatkan nilai mobil pada saat penjualan. Jika pembeli tahu sejarah operasional kendaraan secara penuh, dia memiliki kepastian bahwa kendaraan mempertahankan tingkat nilai tertentu. Hal yang sama tidak bisa dikatakan tentang kendaraan tanpa laporan.

Keuntungan menggunakan teknologi blockchain VinChain:

*Blockchain dapat menyimpan informasi tentang perawatan kendaraan.
*Kesempatan untuk menyesuaikan tingkat akses bagi pengguna yang berbeda.
*Keandalan absolut.
*Sistem penghargaan yang transparan untuk pemasok data.
*Kesempatan untuk bekerja secara langsung dengan pelaku pasar.
*Ketahanan untuk menyerang jaringan.


Pre-sales token kepada investor awal
Pra-penjualan: Des, 1-24 12.000.000 token akan tersedia untuk penempatan dengan pelarangan penjualan selama 3 bulan terakhir setelah ICO berakhir.
Emisi dan penjualan token di ICO.
ICO akan diselenggarakan mulai 22 Maret sampai 15 April 2017.
Metode pembayaran tersedia untuk token VinChain:
* Bitcoin (BTC)
* Ethereal (ETH)
* Riple (-XRP)
* Litecoin (LTC)
* Gelombang (WAVE)

Tersedia untuk penempatan: 600 juta token.
Token akan didistribusikan antara pembeli dalam waktu 72 jam setelah selesainya ICO.
Jumlah investasi maksimum: $ 34,5 juta.

Token VIN akan memperbaiki data perdagangan antara pemilik data dan pembeli. Sebanyak 1.000.000 (satu miliar) token VIN telah dibuat dimana 600.000 akan ditawarkan untuk dijual. 1 VIN setara dengan 5 Cents. Mata uang yang diterima termasuk ETH, BTC, -XRP, LTC, WAVES, USD dan EURO. Tahap pertama Pre-ICO diadakan pada tanggal 23 November 2017 untuk burung awal. Minimum cap goal ditetapkan pada $ 5, 000, 000 USD dan cap maksimum didalilkan menjadi $ 34, 500, 000 USD. Preorder ICO akan dimulai pada tanggal 1 Desember 2017 dan akan berakhir pada tanggal 24 Desember 2017. Dana pra-ICO akan didistribusikan seperti yang ditunjukkan pada diagram di bawah ini.

ICO atau acara penjualan utama akan dimulai pada 22 Maret 2018 dan berakhir pada tanggal 15 April 2018. Menyalurkan dana setelah hak ICO dicontohkan dalam ilustrasi di bawah ini.


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Author (morata):;u=1074956

My Eth: 0x6298e212aD287AFA6f13dbc2764c0e5195a11525

LYDIAN honors the first human civilization using its currency, though the Lydian token is not a currency; they represent a new model for the delivery of existing technology-based marketing services.

The Lydian Token is a token compatible with ERC20, utilizing the Ethereal blockade for wide compatibility with wallets, exchanges, development tools, smart contracts, exchanges and other related technology infrastructure. The etereum ecosystem has been developed since 2015 and offers the ability to enforce Turing's smart unsecured contracts on the block. This flexibility and eligibility makes the token interface ERC20 the most commonly used token publishing standard.

Lydian tokens can be purchased using Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereal (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), ZCash (ZEC), Wave (WAVES), fiat currency, and credit cards. By creating Lydian tokens available to buyers over a wider spectrum of payment channels, Lydian intends to make its products and services and, in turn, the blockchain ecosystem, accessible to consumers who believe in spaces beyond their reach.

Lydian Token is intended as a payment marker for access services provided by LydianCoin SG and Gravity4 Corporate Family4. As described here, the Lydian Corporate Family and Gravity4 continue to strive to innovate and intend to continue making additional products and services available to Lydian users in the future but at a price to be determined.

The Lydia Token is intended to be exchanged with LydianCoin SG only for services provided by LydianCoin SG and Gravity4 Corporate Family, and holders of Lydian tokens have no right of redemption whatsoever against LydianCoin SG for storing Lydian.

*Marketing Gravity4*


Gravity4 offers Cloud Marketing G4, a market-tested technology that leverages customer data and combined placements for years to optimize placements. Using predictive analytics and programmatic ad purchases, Gravity4 takes advantage of large data in real-time. Cloud Marketing G4 identifies omni-channel advertising opportunities by determining cost-effective and transparent marketing initiatives, without intermediaries. MonaLisa, belonging to A.I.'s Gravity4. technology, collect data from multiple channels and use G4 Marketing Cloud to build consumer target audiences. Platform fluid flow, the constant data stream is sorted into semantic graphs, using correlation variables to form connection clusters.

By using G4 Marketing Cloud customer experience collection capabilities, marketers can reach customers through the purchase journey and across the point of contact. Lydian token holders can access one billion web and mobile phones and cherries-choose the most relevant impressions to engage the targeted consumer base.

Lydian token (LDN) will be issued by LydianCoin SG, an indirect subsidiary of Gravity4, Inc., a Delaware company. Gravity4, Inc. is the direct or indirect parent of approximately 43 subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Bermuda, Sweden, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, British Virgin Islands, Brazil, Singapore, Jersey, China, Malaysia, Denmark. , Norway, Finland, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Colombia (Gravity4, Inc., together with its subsidiary, "Gravity4 Corporate Family"). The Lydian Token will allow cryptococcal purchases from A.I.-driven digital marketing and advertising services offered by the Gravity4 Corporate Family and used by Fortune 1000 companies and brands worldwide. The Lydian Token will allow crypto-centric businesses to expand their marketing reach, engage and educate targeted audiences, and develop their customer base.

Optimistic Lydia figures to reach a crypto community audience, the data set is not available for Corporate Corporate Customers who pay in fiat currency. Lydian token holders also have exclusive access to currently-developed products, including MonaChain, a blockchain-driven anti-advertising fraud system, and MonaBrowse, surfing the internet without advertising without the hassle of changing browsers or surfing behavior.

*Token Distribution

Token Name: LDN

Token Price: 1 LDN = $ 3.75

Total Tokens: 40,000,000

Token For Sale via Sale Token: 20,000,000

Token Should Be Notified to Advisors: Up to 800,000 at the sole discretion of LydianCoin SG

Token Provided through Campaign Bounty 50,000 from backup

Publisher Token: LydianCoin SG, Singapore entity

*Start Token Sale:

November 20, 2017 - 20% discount 1,500,000 tokens

December 15, 2017 - 15% discount 2.000.000 tokens

January 1, 2018 - Discount 10% 2,500,000 tokens

January 15, 2018 - 5% discount 3,000,000 tokens

January 30, 2018 - Public Crowdsale - Proof is left


Gurbaksh Chahal - Founder, Chairman & CEO
Kamal Kaur - President & Chief Operating Officer, Co-Founder, and Board Member
Grant Allaway - Managing Director in Europe
Kevin Huang - Managing Director in Asia
Belinda Montes - CFO, Asia
Farai Mativi - Finance Director, Europe & Americas
Kotryna Gasiunaite - Product Manager - Emerging Technologies
Julian Miall - Managing Director, United Kingdom
Jonathon Drumm - Head of Business Development, APAC
Simon Apperly - Commercial Director, APAC

Further information:

Ann Thread:

Author (morata):;u=1074956

My Eth: 0x6298e212aD287AFA6f13dbc2764c0e5195a11525

Bazista is an exchange platform for B2C and C2C that uses new transaction technology among users. This service allows users to easily exchange items with services that are needed for cryptocurrency interacting with other platform users. Here is a bazista feature that will help users gain insight into the main elements of the platform and make the whole process easy to handle and understand.

the project will create a simple and secure platform enabling barter exchanges and services with a variety of enhanced infrastructure solutions to users and holders of cryptto digital assets that will inevitably become effective. This brings other innovations through blockchain technology and will open up great opportunities for everyone.

E-commerce is one of the world's fastest growing technology markets as shown in the chart below, so being in this field will mean greater opportunities for rapid project expansion, large growth rates and sustained progress.


This platform provides tremendous benefits for buyers and sellers. Buyers can enjoy payments in few clicks, no hidden fees, taxes, instant payouts, internal token usage. Likewise sellers will be happy in cosmic or commission deals are low, payments, additional marketing tools. these benefits will certainly attract more people to join and use platforms that create community act and achieve success.

The project introducing Bazista tokens is also called Bazi which is fully in line with ERC223. This is the first step towards achieving the project because successful funds will contribute to promoting the development of complex platforms, introducing loyalty enhancement systems and creating new revenue streams for platform development and support. It will be available for purchase with BTC and ETH. Ticker token: BZS exchange rate: 1 ETH = 11,000 BZS. The token price at the crowdsale launch will be set to $ 0.3. The exchange rate of ETH / USD and BTC / USD will be locked based on market rate of 16 november (Pre-ICO) and december (ICO start).

*Token Distribution*

The number of BZS tokens generated is 440,000,000 and distributed proportionally for project development and relativity

* 321 million BZS (73%) Crowdsale.
* 66 million BZS (15%) founders and teams
* 17.6 million (4%) bookmark marketing campaigns in the Bazista platform
* 13.2 million (3%) Pre-ICO
* 13.2 million (3%) advisors
* 8.8 million (2%) bounty

In a competent and reliable project aimed at bringing the best markets in E-Commerce. Participating in BZS tokens is an investment for your future as it will provide you with better returns. Therefore follow the Pre-ICO which starts on the 16th of november at 12:00 and will last until 21 november at 12:00. Bazista will offer a 45% pre-designed bonus for Pre-ICO which is perfectly designed as an appreciation for the early supporters of this project. BZS tokens that will not be on sale during the Pre-ICO round will be added to the larger amount offered during the crowdsale main round.

The launch of the main stage of ICO is set in December 2017, the exact date will soon be announced so keep updating and be sure to join one of our communities on the internet. The initial contributor will be discounted. The discount rate will drop every week, starting from 30% and ending with 0% on the last day of ICO.


Further information:


Author (morata):;u=1074956

My Eth: 0x6298e212aD287AFA6f13dbc2764c0e5195a11525

eBit is the Best Exchange online Invest in your future.
As you made know eBit Payment is already dealing with exchange of currencies online. Our IT technicians worked for Liberty GLOBAL and Bank of Austria in the past. They have also experience acquired during cooperation with cryptocurrency mine BIT.NXT INTERNATIONAL LLC. eBit Payment system was created to make the transaction between cryptocurrency market and a bank cheaper than 0.99% for our users.

Our experience with financial markets and multiple debates with persons leading the cryptocurrency related companies led us into believe, that there is a need to create one integrated system, that would significantly ease all the processes associated with payments. One system, one application, numerous possibilities, FIAT currencies, cryptocurrencies, all of them in one place. Our project, eBit Payment is approved by multiple qualified professionals all across the globe. The team of eBit Payment consists of crypto enthusiasts, who on daily basis use cryptocurrencies, all of them are IT professionals with good knowledge of financial market.


Millions of people travel globally, exchange currencies and pay spread between buying and selling rates that allow parties such as banks and the exchange to make money.

Intuitively, people start looking for a universal currency. The most common currencies today are USD and EUR, but that's not common enough. Many of them turn into cryptocurrencies, such as BTC or ETH.

If a user buys something in a store that does not accept cryptocurrency, you need to exchange it for a different one, which today means waiting for a transfer from the stock exchange, which could take more than 24 hours.

There is a shortage of well-made bridges between FIAT currencies, such as USD, EUR, or CHF. and cryptocurrencies, such as BTC, ETH, LTC or ZEC.

eBit Payment LLC, offers exchanges including crypto exchange, without unnecessary third parties. The eBit payment will also offer the token itself, we are gradually planning to extend the use of our tokens - via eBit Coins.

*The Problem*

In times of globalisation and travel, paying is more and more problematic. It is mainly because of exist of many different currencies. Every single day millions of people travel, exchange currencies and pay the spread (difference between buy and sell price that allows parties like banks and exchanges to make money ). E.g a transaction can have as high spread, as 12% of total transaction value and it can go through a number of intermediaries, where you are obligated pay a fee every step of the wen those providers, who are trying to minify the amount of parties, knowing they can earn more due to lower amount of parties, are adding bigger spread on purpose. Moreover, there is no currency for people who are travelling a lot — they need to bounce back and forth between currencies, exchanging them on frequent manner. One, universal and global currency, that could be paid in the same way in France, Canada, China or Great Britain, simply does not exist.

*The Solution*

eBit Payment LLC, offering exchange including crypto exchange, without unnecessary third parties. eBit payment will also offer it’s own token, we gradually plan to extend usage of our tokens — through eBit Coins. Generally, targeted effect is having just one party in the middle — eBit payment, that means exchanging currency with smallest possible spread — 0.99% at max, which is in some scenarios dozen times less than with other solutions.
Internally each user’s account will be presented in ebit crypto currency and all transactions will be sent in any userspecified currency, including some supported crypto currencies. To achieve this, whenever user needs to pay using certain supported FIAT currency, transaction goes from his account using ebitcoins, which will be automatically exchanged in our internal exchange in real time, then directly sent to transaction destination. Everything will be done automatically, and transparently for users, just like paying with any other payment card. The whole process is instant. The order of operations:

*eBit Payment overview*

Technological development in the finance field is currently one of the hot topics, and no wonder — as it creates practically almost infinite possibilities. We created innovative solutions, that can guarantee users comfort of usage. eBit Payment will open the possibility to make quick and affordable international bank transfers and quick purchases with payment cards, that can be managed with use of Android or IOS phone. That is the scale of services, that couldn’t be found even in the traditional banking. From now on, thanks to the ICO capital, this capabilities will be available also for average users.

eBit Payment is a project, that includes following solutions:

*Multi-currency wallet
*Real time exchange with access to currency rates
*Multi-currency payment card
*Online payments
*Business app
*Coworking space
*Another thing that we want to 

eBIT Payment offers a solution to the above problem - this is the first system that links payments in the classic FIAT currency with crypto currency. We have dubbed it, the personal online currency.


The eBooks payment application is a great solution for users who have multiple accounts in multiple currencies and crypto power, such as USD or ETH, especially if they require a third currency, for purchases, such as BTC.

Transactions are credited to their account using ebit coins, which are automatically redeemed, in real time, and delivered directly to the destination of the transaction.

Real-time exchange with access to currency rates, which makes it easy for users to access all supported currencies, including crypto currency and currencies that are not available in your locality locally. All that, from any place in the world, without the worry of incurring huge costs.

* Multi currency currency card *

Real-time exchange with access to currency rates, which makes it easy for users to access all supported currencies, including crypto currency and currencies that are not available in your locality locally. All that, from any place in the world, without the worry of incurring huge costs.

eBit Payment provides a unique opportunity to work with multiple crypto-currency accounts - as payment cards are not directly related to user accounts, users can freely select, change and select which cards match the desired account, even before payment.

Furthermore, credit card options are offered in FIAT currency, secured by the user's crypto-currency assets. Online payments in eBit Payment want to work instantly with minimal transaction fees.

* Fund Protection *

The goal, is to support all means of payment, online transfers, card payments and phone payments. And IT technicians will take care of further encrypting all user transactions correctly, which will improve user security.

Soon, all payments will be made under one network - a system that will be served by eBit Payment.

Market and Network Flow - 35% Financial markets are not the easiest to use sector. We need funds to cooperate with other companies in the industry to make transactions as soon as possible. In addition, new opportunities are open to easier financial interaction within the platform.

Licensing, Integration and Partnership: 15% As eBit Payment LLC, we should invest in software licenses that incur additional costs associated with card issuance and also bear the cost of patching the gap between crypto currency and traditional currency.


The chip sales will take 21 days. Starts on November 24, 2017 at 00:00. Delaware Time, and will last until October 15, 2017, or until it reaches the target number - $ 21.6 million. The number and timing of a token sale is limited, which means the token will not be sold after a certain time or after the inventory is complete. After this period, it is possible to purchase eBookcoins in the crypto currency market.

Further information:

Whitepaper Link:
Facebook Page:

Author (morata):;u=1074956

My Eth: 0x6298e212aD287AFA6f13dbc2764c0e5195a11525

Wi-Fi Global is a platform for individual users connected to the internet via Wi-Fi and advertisers who want to show ads to them. The Big Data technology collects and analyzes non-personalized user activity data that allows advertisers to show the most accurate ads that will have high conversions.

Modern internet sources, for example, search engines or social networks, load ad targeting in some ways, but the parameters for such targeting are very limited, and such advertising costs are quite high. By using joint merged transactions between producers among the participants in a fast and inexpensive process, give collective credentials to the blessing parties.

Wi-Fi Global merges a decentralized Wi-Fi network around the world through community efforts, and all participants in this network can support each other proportionately to their development.

By using the global Wi-fi platform All information is stored in lockers and watches periodically. This data can not be lost or falsified.Blockchain has become the whole system of links. Each participant transactions by agreement. Where this deal plays the role of advertising agency. This is necessary to ensure both parties are confident that the advertising budget will reach its destination and be converted into the number of impressions planned.

Today, the Internet has become an integral part of civil society, is the root of the society. At the same time, most of the world's population - more than 4 billion people - still does not have access to the Internet, and the rest are forced to pay for it. The Wi-Fi Global project will expand the coverage of the Internet in the world and provide users with free access to a Wi-Fi network.

Most of the inhabitants of the Earth have unrealized needs of financial resources and would like to have additional sources of income. We provide the owners of the Internet for the additional earnings and stimulate the distribution of free Internet. The Wi-Fi Global project is a platform for users of individuals who connect to the Internet through Wi-Fi and advertisers who want to show them ads. Big Data technology collects and analyzes non-personalized data on user activity

And the technology of blockchain makes the transactions of the process and the promotion of advertising campaigns. The Wi-Fi Global project creates a worldwide decentralized Wi-Fi network project for its development.

The Global Wi-Fi platform creates a decentralized Wi-Fi network across the globe, which has 3 main roles:

* Users - someone connected to an open network and using the Internet for free after viewing his ads.

* Owner - provides access to open networks and generates advertising.

* Advertisers - broadcasting ads to target audiences, rewarding router owners.

When you connect to the system, the router starts using another network. It's isolated from the home network at the software level, so unbeknownst to the owner no one can connect with it. The second network becomes public. The load on the router is distributed evenly, the owner can set the appropriate parameters for it. The owner's revenue depends on the amount and quality of the ads being viewed. The system analyzes locations, profiles on social networks, search queries, and other parameters necessary for ad targeting.

Wi-Fi users in any case concentrate on commercials or banners, which are shown before entering the Internet. With a more efficient placement, such advertising costs are much lower than ads on search engines or social networks. Platform developers plan to expand global Wi-Fi networks worldwide.


All information is stored in the locker and periodically updated. These data can not be lost or faked. Blockchain has become the connecting link of the whole system. Each transaction is serviced by a deal. Deal actually plays the role of an advertising agency. It is necessary to ensure that both sides are confident that the advertising budget will reach its destination and is converted into the planned number of impressions.


Takes data generated from advertiser tasks that are on Wi-Fi Global servers.
Forms an ad campaign in which the advertising settings are already registered.
Determines the cost of advertising campaigns for each router.

Determines how the advertising money will be divided by all advertisers selected routers.
After receipt of the report on the completed advertising campaign in the database, Deal takes the advertiser’s report and the router’s report and makes a new entry in the database about this particular router, fixing that on the X date of the X year the data on the router is updated. The advertiser can see and evaluate the updated data.

The database hash is written to the host.
One entry in the blockchain contains information about one transaction. Thus, the number of transactions is equal to the number of advertising campaigns. The database contains information on targeting (geo, router coordinates, number of users, age, interests, etc.) for past advertising campaigns and their conversions, systematized in such a way that these materials can be easily found and processed. The database is automatically supplemented and updated with information from new completed advertising campaigns. The hash of the database is tied to each router and guarantees to the advertiser that he receives up-to-date and honest information on the conversion of the conducted advertising campaigns. The advertiser sees this in the graphical interface, where he chooses the settings and parameters of his advertising campaign.


The operations are processed in the technology of the blockchain system by the data centers of the project — this is a distributed network that will be available to our partners. Confirmation of the transaction will be carried out between several NODs, which greatly accelerates the processing. The system is designed to process dozens of transactions (= advertising campaigns) per second. With the simultaneous launch of a large number of small advertising campaigns, there may be delays of several hours. However, in this scheme it can be neglected — for example, advertising agencies often draw up documents within a few weeks.


Wi-fi Global uses blockchain etchal technology type ERC20 with WT symbol. To get token from Wi-fi Global you can follow Token.

Token price: 1WT = 0.3 $
Number of tokens: 150,000,000 WT

Distribution Token:

70%: for ICO
10%: for the team and founder
5%: for advisor
10%: to progaram bounty

5%: for Pre-ICO Sales token At the time of turnover will be issued 100,000,000 WT. The token fee on ICO will be 0.3 $. Going forward, prices will depend on Global Wi-Fi penetration into the advertising market: from the volume of markets shaped by the project. The more penetration to the advertising market, the higher the token price. As for the initial calculation of token cost Data for calculation: Total advertising market per year: $ 494 billion Average ad cost: $ 0.025 Number of tokens on the market: 100,000,000 GFI.

According to preliminary calculations, if the market penetration rate is 0.03, the token value will be $ 1.48
$ 494 billion x 0.03% = $ 148,200,000 (market volume).
$ 148,200,000 / $ 0.025 = 5,928,000,000 (number of ad impressions on the market).
$ 148.200.000 / 100.000.000 tokens = $ 1.48


* Team *

* Alex Litman: Founder & COO
* Bohdan Kozhevnikov: Director of Fonder & Finance
* Sergey Serov: Lead Developer
* Eugene Port: Lead Engineer
* Aleksey Zizhko: Commercial Director
* Andreas Galuzor: Marketing & Public Relations
* Zlata Koydan: Marketing & Public Relations
* Yan Kraskovsky: Community Manager

They have projects in Wi-Fi hotspots and ads on Wi-Fi networks. We analyze existing business models and realize that it is possible to create a global decentralized Wi-Fi network and make it free for users at the expense of advertisers. New now the television works; the only difference is that it is enough for us to show a short and inconspicuous ad when connecting to the network to recoup costs and make a profit.

Further information:

White paper:

Author (morata):;u=1074956

My Eth:0x6298e212aD287AFA6f13dbc2764c0e5195a11525

Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

CrowdCoinage is an OS for future funding built on the Ethereal blockade. The first version of CrowdCoinage OS allows beginners, software developers, real estate investors, and others to launch and manage crowdfunding and ICO campaigns. In order to be subject to relevant registration and licensing, the campaigner may sell a freely tradable dividend or equity token in the exchange of cryptocurrency.

we will add a variety of financial services that will be based on crypto and blockchain currencies. Among them are P2P loans, insurance, savings, debit cards for everyday use, exchanges and wallets. KYC will be handled by an in-depth integration with the Estonian E-Residency program.

CrowdCoinage is located in Tallinn, Estonia. Estonia is a technology-based country and is the birthplace of heavyweight technologies such as Skype and TransferWise. Setting high goals and achieving them is part of Estonian DNA so it is no exception for CrowdCoinage.

Internet access has been declared a human right by Estonia, its culture of start-up is growing rapidly and its citizens and businesses can enjoy the use of many slim digital public services. At the end of 2014, Estonia became the first country in the world to introduce the concept of e-residency. Now foreigners will be able to apply for a safe digital residential residence in Estonia and set up the company even when they do not actually live there.

Docker container helps us improve the development and deployment cycle. We use the sockets that match what we want for real-time experience. To filter out bugs in our codebase, we use Mocha's automated unit tests and labor to make sure everything is working.

VueJS is our main choice framework for frontend coupled with the latest technologies such as: ES6, Webpack, Babel, SSR, Gulp, HTML5, CSS3, etc. SSR (server-side rendering) increases our app's initial loading time which means users can interact with applications faster.

Sentry provides the best user experience to our customers by monitoring real-time collisions that improve the efficiency of our platform. Carrying out Hotjar allows us to gain better insights from our userbase.

Crowdcoinage plans to develop a versatile operating system that offers a wide range of services, which distinguishes them from the other similar projects that are mainly focused on a specific area and use of the crypto curves.


The OS makes it easy for founders to handle all that is necessary for a successful ICO. There will be visibility in lists, the ability to be found with specific tags or through search, detailed views with texts, founders' pictures and videos.

Diagrams and graphics can be inserted among texts. They can even use the marketplace or job features integrated into the OS to find new talents from around the world or purchase specific knowledge they do not own.

The market would even be more valuable after their ICO, because they would be able to afford to hire more professionals for their team. With the help of the operating system and blockchain methods, founders will be able to launch their ICOs, ICOs and other crowdfunding campaigns. The operating system will provide founders many of the services and tools needed to successfully launch these types of campaigns while ensuring security and credibility using blockchain technologies. They want automated tools to generate smart contracts and generate their own coins to help raise funds. If the operating system allows integration with two major exchanges and even more integration later, it will save the founders valuable resources that can be used more efficiently, for example, to further develop their projects. They do not have to be prevented by difficulties and the large amount of technical details.


We Are Mixed Prayer A Community Where Startup Founders Can Find Dream Team Members (eg Developers, Designers, Lawyers, And Others). In addition, people who are looking for self-realization when starting a business will be able to land their dream job (for example, copywriters who are looking for a pointer when starting a business).

CrowdCoinage OS will provide founder of different startups the opportunity to communicate with each other and find talented professionals with specialized skills to help them gather a winning team of developers, business developers, marketers and PR people.

At the same time, all professionals and experts who like the idea of ​​working in a fantastic FinTech startup, but for some reason have not found an appropriate challenge yet, can send their applications to the CrowdCoinage OS job market and wait for founders or Startups to make an offer a jobseeker can not refuse.


Our vision is that the community's part of the CrowdCoinage OS will be much more than just a labor market. We want to ensure that it will not only be a place where founders and startups can find team members, but also where they can ask for help or feedback from other community members. Perhaps they should verify a business model or ask for a technical solution for their project. This can be done either in a public forum or in a private chat. Help can be free, or the helpers can be allocated a host of CCOS coins based on quality help. CCOS coins will be freely negotiable in different exchanges.

The ultimate goal of CCOS is the solution and solution from start. Our clients - corporate and private companies - will access all the services they need from one platform. Blockchain technology gives us the opportunity to make your finances grow faster and deliver better results.

CCOS coins are used for a variety of purposes. For example coins can be used to pay for services such as insurance, P2P loans and to run ICO campaigns. CCOS coins will be traded on the main exchanges, in addition the Team believes that believes that CCOS coins will be known and received outside of the CrowdCoinage OS.

A total of 478,571,428 CCOS coins will be generated. Half (239,285,714) of the resulting.

* ICO Structure *

Token Sale Begins 2018/01/15, Monday

Sales Period Pre-Sale Token: 2018/01/15 11:00 EET (UTC / GMT +2) Sell: 2018/01/22 to 2018/03/12

Hard hat 150.000 ETH

50,000 pre-sale cap ETH

Pre-sale requirements 50,000 ETH allocated for pre-sale, minimum purchase during Pre-Sale is 2000 CCOS token up to 30% bonus for initial investor.

CCOS Symbol Token

Total Token Total 478,571,428

Tokens sold on this sale 50%

Exchange rate 1 ETH = 1,000 CCOS tokens

Limit of 150,000 ETH (Hard Cap)

Minimum purchase of 500 CCOS tokens

Accepted Cryptos BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, XRP, EUR, PayPal

Adjustability Tokens that are not distributed will be destroyed by smart contracts.

The CCOS Token list will be listed on the crypto exchange right after the token sale expires.

Benefits of Token Holders If CrowdCoinage OÜ decides to conduct an IPO from its own securities and meets the applicable regulatory requirements to offer securities in the token holder's jurisdiction, CCOS may be used to pay the securities.

CCOS may be used as a payment instrument for tokens offered by start-up and / or traded companies using CrowdCoinage OS or for services / products offered by third parties, both suspect that CrowdCoinage OÜ has obtained the necessary license to issue payment instruments in the token holder's jurisdiction .

The Token Token Trading Limit can be sold 6 months after the end of the token sale.

* Team *

* Peep Paum Co-Founder and CEO
* Tauno Poks Co-founder and CTO
* Sven Kauber Co-Founder and senior developer backend / blockchain
* Silver Liiv Co-founder and frontend developer
* Marina Baslina CMO
* Vinshu Gupta Expert in Blockchain
* Oleksandr Sovenko Senior backend / Solidity Developer
* Riho Muuga Designer
* Arlis Kopli Frontend Developer
* Mattias Kurvits Backend Developer

Further information:

White Paper:
ANN thread:

Author (morata):;u=1074956

My Eth: 0x6298e212aD287AFA6f13dbc2764c0e5195a11525

ZEUS adalah perusahaan pertama di dunia yang mendaur ulang sampah menjadi listrik, yang digunakan untuk pertambangan cryptocurrencies di pabriknya dengan kapasitas penambangannya sendiri.

Cryptocurrency pertama yang ditambang adalah bitcoin. Pada tahun 2010, bisa diekstraksi menggunakan kekuatan prosesor komputer rumahan, dan ini sangat efektif. Nantinya, bitcoin mulai diekstraksi dengan bantuan prosesor grafis, yang jauh lebih efisien daripada ekstraksi pada PC biasa menggunakan prosesor biasa.

Pada bulan Juni 2012, perangkat khusus pertama bernama ASIC untuk pertambangan kripto mulai bermunculan. Kinerja perangkat ini beberapa kali lebih tinggi dibanding graphics dan prosesor konvensional. Dengan munculnya ASIC, kompleksitas pertambangan bitcoin meningkat 10.000 kali. Karena ASIC jauh lebih cepat dalam koin pertambangan, kompleksitas jaringan bitcoin mulai tumbuh dengan cepat, ekstraksi koin pada peralatan biasa menjadi semakin rumit.


ZEUS EcoCryptoMining bukan hanya pertambangan kriptokokus, tapi juga berbagai penjualan panas, pupuk anorganik dan organik dan pastinya terbuat dari bahan daur ulang. Ini menghilangkan risiko yang tidak dapat dihindari untuk tanaman tambang biasa dan mampu membuat lingkungan bersih dengan udara yang sangat dingin untuk dihirup oleh manusia.

Berbagai tujuan yang akan diciptakan zeus adalah memungkinkan setiap orang dari usia muda hingga orang tua tidak hanya untuk membantu memecahkan masalah sampah yang sering terakumulasi di jalanan, sungai dan di bawah jembatan, namun juga memiliki gagasan yang menguntungkan dan membuat dunia ini menjadi lebih baik dengan berbagai aktivitas yang akan tercipta nanti.

Implementasi pertama dari proyek daur ulang pabrik daur ulang limbah yang juga menghasilkan listrik dari produk limbah dan menggunakannya untuk pertambangan di dunia - ZEUS EcoCryptoMining.

-Power: 38 648.000 kW / jam per tahun.

-Beberapa: 13 308 BTC per tahun.

-Laba bersih tahunan: 53 239 659 $

Rencana yang akan dilakukan oleh proyek ini adalah menaikkan 41.620 ribu Euro (setara dengan Ethereal) selama ICO untuk waktu yang telah ditentukan. Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk membeli tanah, bangunan konstruksi untuk pembangunan pabrik pengolahan limbah dan pabrik pertambangan, komponen yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan segala hal yang penting adalah perakitan tenaga kerja pertama dalam proses penambangan dan kedua harus memiliki peralatan canggih untuk perawatan limbah yang efektif dan lebih pendek pada saat kinerjanya.zeus menerima dana tidak hanya di Ethereal tapi juga di Bitcoin.

Berikut perusahaan yang memproduksi konstruksi, konfigurasi secara otomatis untuk mendukung kehalusan proyek zeus:

Perusahaan induk di Estonia Estonia MOXISA OU dengan senang hati akan memberikan anggota badan hukum di Jerman dengan dana pinjaman serta jumlah yang dikumpulkan dari penjualan ZEUS Token untuk pelaksanaan proyek ini.

Selama semua tahap penyiaran online sudah tersedia, akan menunjukkan kemajuan konstruksi yang cepat. Kamera akan ditempatkan di area konstruksi dan kemudian juga di tempat di pabrik itu sendiri.

Proyek ini ditandai oleh indikator profitabilitas seperti:

Beban per tahun2 441 393 €.

Total pendapatan56 341 052 €

Laba tahunan setelah pajak53 239 659 € keuntungan per bulan4 436 638 €.


58 000 000 Token ZEUS akan dirilis secara total.

Token terjual akan didistribusikan di antara tim: 15%.

. token dijual dijual untuk program karunia: 2%.

akan didistribusikan antar investor: 49.300.000 token.

. ditujukan untuk penjualan Pre-ICO: 1.000.000 token.


• Pre Ico: 1.000.000 Zeus token = 0.50 € per 1 ZEUS Token.

• 1-7 hari ICO5 000 000 ZEUS Tokens = 0,70 € per 1 ZEUS Token.

• 8-14 hari ICO10 000 000 ZEUS Tokens = 0,80 € per 1 ZEUS Token.

• 15-22 hari ICO15 000 000 ZEUS Tokens = 0,85 € per 1 ZEUS Token.

• 23-29 hari ICO19 300 000 ZEUS Tokens = 0,90 € per 1 ZEUS Token.

Token Total 50 300 000 ZEUS.

Token yang ditujukan untuk tim akan didistribusikan selangkah demi selangkah sebagai berikut:

* 10% token saat pabrik dioperasikan • 6% dari token setiap tiga bulan setelah pembelian dan pembuangan bukti investor

* Semua token yang dibeli oleh perusahaan akan dibuang untuk menghindari dampak negatif pada biaya token yang beredar di pasaran.

Penebusan Token akan dilakukan setiap tiga bulan - 5.000.000 Token di kuartal tersebut.
12 pembayaran dengan harga dasar 1 € / 1ZT dalam kurun waktu 12 bulan yang dihitung sesuai dengan kursus tidak lebih tinggi 4000 € \ ETH, jika kursus akan lebih tinggi.

*Detail Zeus-Token*

Perbedaan utama perusahaan adalah daur ulang sampah menjadi listrik, yang digunakan untuk kripto pengangkutan pertambangan, sehingga berkontribusi pada pengembangan ekonomi kripto dunia dan sistem desentralisasi.

Cryptocurrency pertama yang ditambang adalah bitcoin. Pada tahun 2010, bisa diekstraksi menggunakan kekuatan prosesor komputer rumah, dan itu sangat efektif.

bitcoin mulai diekstraksi dengan bantuan prosesor grafis, yaitu
jauh lebih efisien daripada ekstraksi pada PC biasa menggunakan prosesor biasa.

* Token diproduksi berdasarkan blokir Ethereal.
* ZEUS Token - adalah bukti keanggotaan dalam proyek ZEUS.
* ZEUS - akan menerbitkan token Token ZEUS seharga 58.000 000 Token.

Token akan didistribusikan sebagai berikut:

* 15% dari jumlah token yang terjual, akan didistribusikan antar tim proyek (jadwal distribusi dan penjualan sesuai dengan, lihat di bawah).
* 2% dari jumlah token yang terjual, akan dialokasikan ke distribusi untuk program karunia proyek.
* 1.000.000 token yang dijual di Pre ICO
* 49,3 juta token akan didistribusikan antar investor di ICO dengan harga sesuai tabel di bawah ini.

Kampanye Pre ICO akan dimulai pada tanggal 1 Oktober dan akan berlangsung sampai 31 Oktober 2017. Tujuan perusahaan adalah untuk mengumpulkan dana melalui penerapan 1.000 ribu token Zen Token dengan harga diskon 50% dari harga pembelian, setara dengan 0,5 euro pada tingkat ETH / BTC pada saat pembelian.

Dana yang terkumpul akan digunakan untuk mempersiapkan peluncuran proyek ZEUS, pemasaran dan persiapan bibit ICO. ICO (Investment Campaign) akan diselenggarakan dari tanggal 20 November sampai 25 Desember 2017 dan akan dimulai pukul 15:00 waktu Moskow (00:00 UTC).

ZEUS Token sendiri akan memungkinkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini, perkembangannya, untuk menerima pendapatan yang tinggi dan stabil. Investasi langsung terdesentralisasi dalam proyek akan terjadi melalui pembelian ZEUS Token. Inilah "desentralisasi" mereka yang harus menjamin independensi proyek dari pengaruh perusahaan milik pemerintah dan perusahaan besar. Proyek ini sepenuhnya memanfaatkan ideologi desentralisasi dan perbaikan situasi ekologis di planet ini. Instrumen keuangan akan diluncurkan di blokade Ethereal.

* Token diproduksi berdasarkan blockball Ethereal
* ZEUS Token - adalah bukti keanggotaan dalam proyek ZEUS
* ZEUS - akan menerbitkan token Token ZEUS seharga 58.000 000 Token.

Cara berinvestasi di ZEUS Token:

• Bitcoin (BTC)
• Etika (ET)
• Euro


* 1 orang menghasilkan 300 kg sampah per tahun.
* 200.000 000 ton bentuk limbah rumah tangga tahunan di UE.
* Tanah di bawah lubang pembuangan tetap beracun selama 50-100 tahun.

*Bonus dan penawaran*

Selama ICE di ICO untuk kebutuhan proyek ZEUS, direncanakan untuk mengumpulkan 41.620.000 Euro, setara dengan kripto yang disebutkan di atas.
Dana yang terkumpul akan digunakan untuk membeli tanah, membangun fasilitas pabrik dan peternakan pertambangan, komponen untuk perakitan kapasitas penambangan, pembelian peralatan daur ulang limbah, jalur pengemasan, peralatan pemuatan.

ICO dan permukiman bersama dengan pedagang besar teknis, ICO dan permukiman bersama dengan pedagang besar teknis.

Buyout token akan terjadi setiap bulan dengan tarif 5.000.000 token per bulan, 12 pembayaran dalam waktu 12 bulan dengan biaya dasar 1 Euro per token sebulan setelah dimulainya operasi pabrik (Desember 2018).
Biaya pokok dihitung dengan tarif 4000 Euro per 1 BTC.

Misi kami adalah untuk memungkinkan semua orang tidak membantu memecahkan masalah pemanfaatan sampah namun juga berinvestasi secara menguntungkan dan membuat dunia ini menjadi lebih baik.

Implementasi pertama pembangunan proyek daur ulang sampah pabrik yang juga menghasilkan listrik dari produk limbah dan menggunakannya untuk pertambangan di dunia - ZEUS EcoCryptoMining.

*** Dengan itu bisa menghasilkan ***

1. Tenaga: 38 648.000 kW / jam per tahun.
2. Penghasilan: 13 308 BTC per tahun.
3. Laba bersih tahunan: 53 239 659 €.

Rencananya akan menaikkan 41.620 ribu Euro (setara dengan Ethereal) selama ICO. Dana akan digunakan untuk membeli tanah, konstruksi untuk pabrik pengolahan limbah dan pabrik pertambangan, komponen untuk perakitan tenaga pertambangan, peralatan pembelian untuk pengolahan limbah, peralatan pengepakan dan pemuatan.

Kami menerima tidak hanya di Ethereum tapi juga di Bitcoin. Proyek ini ditandai oleh indikator profitabilitas seperti:

* Biaya per tahun2 441 393 €
* pendapatan56 341 052 €
* keuntungan setelah pajak53 239 659 €
* per bulan4 436 638 €

* Peta jalan *

* 2017 Daya tarik dana (ICO)
* November - Desember 2017
* Organisasi ICO membeli token ZEUS Token menggunakan Ethereal (ETH) Production.
* Januari 2018
Beli dan sewa tanah di kawasan industri dresden, Jerman.
* Januari-Februari 2018
Rancang dan dapatkan dokumentasi permisif.
* Maret-Agustus 2018
Pembangunan gedung dan produksi peralatan pabrik industri dan kapasitas penambangan.
* Agustus-November 2018
Commissioning peralatan industri dan memulai produksi baru, pembelian dan perakitan peralatan pertambangan.
* November-Desember 2018
Mulai menerima dan mendaur ulang sampah, kapal kargo dan ekstraksi kriptocurrency.
Membeli kembali
* Desember 2018
Reject reverse buybacj Pembelian ulang akan dilakukan setiap bulan untuk 5.000.000 token sebulan setelah commissioning pabrik

* TIM *

Informasi lebih lanjut:

Ann Thread:


Selasa, 09 Januari 2018

The Caviar Token offers access to real estate and stable cryptocurrency

Caviar pioneered a token and crowdfunding platform with a dual purpose built on the blockade of Ethereum. The Caviar Token offers access to real estate and stable cryptocurrency, with lower side protection and automatic diversification. The team behind Caviar has successfully managed a multi-million dollar real-estate debt fund since 2013, and brings years of experience and research to the project. Caviar is supported by the Intelligent Predictive Model (IPM), an artificial intelligence algorithm, which enables stronger predictive power and more effective asset allocation. In addition, the Caviar Platform will allow real estate developers to raise funds for their upcoming projects, and for holders of the Caviar token for extra rewards. Caviar launched pre-sale on November 28, 2017, with the goal of raising as much as $ 25 million.


Global real estate equals more than 60% of the major assets, and is worth more than $ 217 trillion dollars. For comparison, crypto market capitalization in total recently reached an all-time high point when it exceeded $ 175 billion. "Considering these factors, the potential financial benefits of crypto supported by real estate are enormous," commented Caviar Guy Neumann.

In recent years, cryptocurrency has outperformed most other asset classes. However, diversification in this asset class is problematic. There is a high correlation with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This new asset class is also very volatile.

Caviar Partner Alex Shvayetsky explains how Caviar aims to reduce risks for supporters and overcome the problem of diversification, stating :

*The diversification of cryptocurrency investment is difficult because most assets are highly correlated. Caviar aims to address this by providing exposure to rapidly growing crypto assets and revenue generating US-based real estate in one token, minimizing risk and maximizing returns in both asset classes.

CAVIAR CAPITAL: TRACK REAL ESTATE SUCCESS RELATING S & P AT 300% Caviar combines the most stable stamp and crypto, chooses new token projects, and real estate, using its Intelligent Intelligence Model to determine investment decisions on time. Caviar is the successor to Caviar Capital, which, in the last five years, successfully financed dozens of rebuilding projects and had a default rate of 0%, 0 late payments and an average IRR (internal rate of return) of 16% per annum. From the beginning, Caviar Capital has consistently outperformed the S & P 500 Real Estate and S & P 500 Bond by more than 300%.


By combining crypto and real estate assets, Caviar aims to offer higher returns than traditional real estate investing, while maximizing protection from the down side. In addition, Caviar will give traditional investors financial benefits from a more diverse portfolio that includes digital currencies.

Although kriptocurrency traders can benefit from market volatility, they offer only a small amount of real estate assets. Caviar provides a unique opportunity for crypto investors to diversify their portfolio through exposure to real estate. Caviar tokenisasi approach to investment in real estate, crypto and crypto assets lowers management costs, reduces entry fees for investors, and eliminates the liquidity problems associated with traditional real estate investment. With the increasing market value of cryptocurrency and the increasing demand for real estate in the developing world, Caviar can turn into a perfect diversified portfolio.


Caviar has developed their Intelligent Predictive Model (IPM), an artificial intelligence predictive algorithm based on a machine-learning approach for price forecasting on both short- and long-term forecasts, allowing for more effective predictive power and asset allocation. IPM uses historical data and a mix of qualitative / quantitative metrics, combined with underlying cryptocurrency ecosystem analyzes, social signals, and trends. Data is collected automatically from multiple sources to make real-time assessments.


Caviar launched pre-sale on November 28 with the goal of raising as much as $ 25 million. Here is some information about the sale of the upcoming token.

* Value of Fund Destination: $ 25 million
* Token Type ERC20
* Maximum token supply: 375 million
* Price per token $ 0.10
* Pre-sale Minimum $ 500
* Pre-sale discount: Up to 30%
* Pre-sale period: November 28, 2017
* Veil Sales Period: December 12, 2017 to January 31, 2018


Funds collected by the Caviar crowdfunding campaign will be distributed as follows:

* 80% will be invested directly into the Caviar portfolio
* 10% will be used to cover administrative costs
* 5% will be invested into platform technology development
* 5% will be allocated to the reserve fund


* 85% of all created Caviar tokens will be sold on the Token Generating Event
* 12% will be allocated to partners and advisors
* 3% reserved for bounties


Further information:


Author (morata):;u=1074956