Senin, 21 Mei 2018

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Treon (TXO) is an Ethereum lock-token and electronic wallet to pay utility bills using reliable technology in a fully decentralized and secure mode. A decentralized project that has beneficial value for potential investors or investors is one of the projects that will grow rapidly, as swings in exchange of digital assets earlier this year have increased significantly.

This network definition uses a truly unique theme from other platform platforms around the world, having a balance value and an investment process that has a profit value exceeding the capital required for modern digital asset trading. TREON is a blockade platform, which for the first time introduces a unique creative idea in the economic symbolic market economy, which can start trading directly and in platforms for digital asset exchange.

TREON is one of the results of the development of blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and good ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investment. Being one of the first platform platforms to be generated, the company wants to realize and help investors to be more worried about the world's most suffering economic weaknesses in the concept of mutual assistance as investments that can be exchanged by registered users in this chain of blocks.

Some important points of the TREON platform This will be a moment when most of the registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will do business.

Answering the terms and conditions on the TREON platform is a source of revenue that will ensure a balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability of greater than the return on investment capital, symbolic sales will be more common among investors who want to profit on this platform. Being able to contact the following projects is a major effort in legal and secure projects to trade tobacco and token products in the pulp and paper industry, begin work and perform a balanced analysis system in one of your own tactics and ideas directed by many people. investors.

TREON is a decentralized platform for blocking, which aims to create investment, which affects the positive side of fund management to be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.

TREON was presented earlier in the year at a commercial encryption firm that had certain characteristics, with many commercial and underground trading markets currently dominating the market. TREON company one of the great successful companies in the future. Trading in the world of crypto currency never avoids the growth and fall of currency value fluctuations and currency exchange, it is something natural for commercial crypt companies, in addition, companies have no creative idea that can of course, the system does not invest in investment , it is a catastrophe that can be fatal with corporate destruction. A decentralized investment fund in a block platform for investors worldwide is an effective philosophy offered by this platform.

With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the project owner and the token owner. With so many markets in the world of crypto-sciences this year, competitors from many companies that trade or commercialize must have more unique characteristics and creativity.



With a click of a button, you will be able to buy tokens (TXO), view your usage and influence your payments for all your utilities anywhere in the world. Combines the ease of using one interface through multiple payment options to settle charges from Utility companies on a single dashboard.


Decentralized utility payment gateways and processing wallets application created for all customers worldwide including those without bank accounts, with a simple and consolidated smartphone app to manage and pay all your payments across various utility accounts.


Treon will ensure the integrity and security of e-wallet using a smart blockchain Ethereum contract that works like a multi-signature wallet (multisig). We partner with several expert cryptocurrency purses to provide Treon (TXO) users with the best experience of the crypto ecosystem.


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Token Symbol: Treon (TXO)

What is Treon? :

Treon is a mobile dashboard and token-based wallet solution for utility bill payments, designed specifically for billions of customers who use public utilities to settle their bills using smart blockchain contract technology. Treon is a new form of personal, instant, verified and reliable transactions.

Total Supply: Billion

Allocation: 429.7 Million

Soft Cap: 4 Million USD

Hard hats: 25 Million USD

Currency: ETH, BTC


More than 5.0 billion people worldwide are advanced mobile users. It has become the most important lifeline to connect, do business, entertain, buy & sell and pay through the way of our daily lives.

Treon (TXO) will use the phone as a bridge for customers to harness the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. According to the World Bank and GSMA, 3.8 billion of all global mobile users have no bank account. Treon token (TXO) aims to bridge the digital divide for those who do not have bank accounts, giving them the opportunity to participate in an ever-expanding online space.

The real opportunities of this fast-moving digital economy have not been fully explored in different utility sectors. Growth and market potential are in trillions of US dollars in the telecommunications, electricity, natural gas, green and water sectors.

Treon (TXO) is poised to achieve a scalable and sustainable growth opportunity in these sectors over the next 5 years.


Q1 2017
Starting from Idea and planning
Q4 2017
Technical architecture and prototyping
Q1 2018
ICO planning & preparation
Q4 2018
Request a Token on the Crypto Stock Exchange
Q1 2019
Onboarding Telecommunication Provider
Q4 2019
Agreement with Telecom top-up distributor
Q1 2020
Agreement with payment gateway
Q4 2020
Onboarding Power Company
Q1 2021
Smart Contract for natural gas companies
Q4 2021
Onboarding company Water Utility
Q1 2022
Launch of Telecom reseller agreement
Q4 2022
Close all reseller agreement of utility provider


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The Treon team was selected in the basics of Innovation culture, trust, transparency, and simplicity into our core corporate values ​​and embedded in everything we do. Our organizational structure is flat to ensure execution speed in fast moving space. Each member has worked and led multicultural, multidisciplinary, and adaptive teams that achieve technological innovation in challenging markets.

Maybe here I give a review about their project, if you are interested you can directly visit the link I have provided below, and you can directly communicate to the team or founder of them who are ready to respond to you, if you are interested in the gift campaign you can also see the link or visit it.



AUTHOR (morata):;u=1074956

TokenUnion adalah aplikasi terdesentralisasi yang secara otomatis memberikan penghargaan kepada Anda karena memegang token Ethernet atau ERC20 dengan menciptakan insentif keuangan untuk HODL. Anda dapat menganggapnya sebagai rekening tabungan untuk crypto.

Cara pertama untuk mendapatkan ROI pada token Anda terdesentralisasi. Dapatkan hadiah untuk orang lain yang tidak ada.

Tim kami telah membangun lusinan produk, mulai dari Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, dan telah bekerja di Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Consensys, Amazon, Deutsche Bank, Coindesk dan AngelList.

Konselor termasuk Arsitek ICO Ethereum, mantan Jaksa SEC, investor pertama di Twitter, dan CEO Crypto lainnya. Kami berbagi penasehat dengan Bancor, Zcash, tZero, Polymath, Ripio, Lisk, dan Sirin Labs.

Kami telah mengumpulkan jutaan dalam presale pribadi, dan sekarang siap untuk membawa ciptaan kami ke massa, sebagai berikut:

* Distribusi penghargaan sepenuhnya otonom *

Setelah menyimpan token dalam perjanjian sewa Anda, pengguna setuju untuk membayar biaya statis UNI, token awal kami, ketika mereka ingin menarik. Ketika seorang pengguna membayar biaya, kontrak cerdas secara terprogram mendistribusikan biaya di antara semua peserta jaringan sebagai hadiah, sebanding dengan persentase Total Nilai Jaringan (TNV) yang mereka wakili.

* Sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi dan adil *

TokenUnion Network tidak bergantung pada otoritas pusat untuk beroperasi. Ia bekerja sepenuhnya sendiri, berdasarkan persyaratan yang ditentukan dalam kode. Ini akan bekerja seperti yang direncanakan di atas rantai blok Ethereum yang ada.

* Dapatkan Hadiah *

Pengguna mengirim token untuk disewa dan mendapatkan imbalan dalam nama simbolik yang sama dengan yang mereka miliki. Setel dan lupakan saja.

* Dapatkan hadiah di kartu milik Anda *

Premi yang diterima oleh pengguna menjadi simbol yang sama yang mereka miliki dalam Kontrak Holding melalui Bancor. Misalnya, jika mereka diterima sebagai hadiah UNI 1000 dan mempertahankan 60% dan 40% MTD OMG, UNI 600 dan 400 UNIs per nilai OMG, mereka akan dipertahankan dalam kontrak lagi, meningkatkan ukuran posisi yang mendasarinya.

* Kontrol milik Anda tidak seperti sebelumnya *

Lihat Perjanjian Sewa Anda secara real time melalui aplikasi web TokenUnion dan aplikasi seluler.


* Distribusi hadiah sepenuhnya otonom

Setelah menyimpan token dalam Kontrak Holding mereka, pengguna setuju untuk membayar biaya statis UNI, token asli kami, ketika mereka ingin menarik. Ketika seorang pengguna membayar biaya, kontrak cerdas secara terprogram mendistribusikan biaya di antara semua peserta jaringan sebagai hadiah, sebanding dengan persentase Total Nilai Jaringan (TNV) yang mereka wakili.

* Dapatkan imbalan

Pengguna mengirim token ke dalam Kontrak Holding mereka dan mendapatkan imbalan dalam denominasi token yang sama yang mereka pegang. Setel dan lupakan saja.

* Dapatkan imbalan dalam token yang sama yang Anda pegang

Hadiah yang diterima pengguna dikonversi menjadi token yang sama yang mereka pegang dalam Kontrak Holding melalui Bancor. Misalnya, jika Anda menerima 1.000 UNI sebagai hadiah dan memegang 60% BAT dan 40% OMG, UNI senilai 600 UNI dan 400 UNI senilai OMG akan disimpan kembali ke dalam Kontrak Holding Anda, sehingga meningkatkan ukuran posisi yang mendasarinya.

* Sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi dan cukup adil

Jaringan TokenUnion tidak bergantung pada otoritas pusat untuk berfungsi. Ini beroperasi sepenuhnya sendiri, berdasarkan conditionals yang telah ditentukan tertulis ke dalam kode. Ini akan berfungsi sebagaimana yang dimaksudkan selama blockchain Ethereum ada.


Bergabunglah dengan tim kami dan beli TOKENS TokenUnion Anda sekarang dan nikmati manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh platform paling menguntungkan di pasar. Jangan buang waktu dan menjadi bagian dari kelompok Telegram kami sehingga Anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan kami dan mengklarifikasi pertanyaan apa pun yang mungkin Anda miliki. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan hebat ini yang ditawarkan oleh proyek TokenUnion.

Nikmati bonus yang tersedia di tahap awal pra-penjualan. (ICO). Kunjungi WEBSITE kami untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang manfaat proyek besar ini.

Tim kami telah membangun lusinan produk, dari Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, Universitas California, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, dan telah bekerja di Amazon, Goldman Sachs,, JP Morgan, Coindesk dan AngelList.

* TIM *

* Shayne Coplan: CEO
* Ryan Hendricks: Pengembang Lead Solidity
* Samuel Mlodozeniec: Pengembang Blockchain
* Jared Madfes: Direktur Operasi
* Sean Park: Pengembang Perangkat Lunak
* Terry Li: Pengembang Blockchain
* Mark Barrasso: Insinyur Keamanan
* Brandon Latteri: Pemasaran
* Yash Patel: Pengembang Soliditas

Informasi lebih lanjut:

Situs web:

Penulis (morata):;u=1074956

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Kaching is the first mass market platform to introduce a unique innovative idea in the iconic economic market that can start individuals and act in a platform for wealth exchange. digit number.

Kaching This is one result of the development of a chain industry, which has undergone good execution and a good idea on the basis of a system that offers an opportunity for direct investors to take off. more open with a symbolic investment. One of the first mass production platform companies that want to bring investors more focus on the global economic downturn is anxiety and help the concept of mutual support such as registered user Investments in substitution chains can be replaced. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be the point where most of the registered investors or potential investors who put their business on the platform will become a business.

This is a revenue stream that provides a balanced value from one side of the ecosystem that benefits buyers and sellers of terms and conditions on the Kaching platform. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept with an average opportunity value greater than the return on investment capital, a deeper investor-sentimental symbol is distributed. Want to make a profit on this platform. The ability to connect with the following projects is a major effort in the legal and safety projects of tobacco and token trade in the chain industry, starting to work and living with a weight loss system. In one of our own strategies and ideas, where many investors are direct. Implementing decentralized hierarchical chains to make those investments have a positive impact on fund management, invested in this platform; In other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.

Kaching earlier this year, with many commercial crypto markets and currently occupying the marketplace in commercial encoding firms with certain characteristics. Kaching Business Being one of the big businesses with brilliant success rates in the future. The world's crypto trade never escapes formation and the collapse of volatility in the value of the yuan and currency exchange, which is natural for commercial crypto companies, as well. Because companies do not have innovative ideas that can prevent the release of the investment system, of course, this is a major disaster that can be fatal to the company. The decentralization fund in the blockbuster platform for investors around the world is an effective philosophy, this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the owner and the card owner. With so many crypto science markets in the world this year that competitors from many business or commercial companies have unique and innovative characteristics, this can be one of the Success points that can be achieved by the commercial crypto community.

This company has commercial value, which is quite special in any stock market. Providing benefits to potential investors, one of the things that can categorize cryptocurrency companies around the world, but provides a clear and detailed insight and at the same time is the route. It shows whether the company really cares about future investors. Potency. When searching the market as a place to negotiate badly, this is a solution you can do based on the blockbuster platform as one of the main options for the cryptography market. It comes with the latest blockbuster technology Kaching it is one of the commercial market of currency and exchange cryptography market democratic system, has a great advantage for the profitability of shareholders.

Kaching is a new trading platform based on a successful chain of custody approach that demonstrates the market and alters the functioning of the financial ecosystem. The system uses its platform partners to assist in negotiating a number of outstanding assets. In addition, this platform uses its own crypto currency called token trading. Developers expect to achieve large liquidity targets, retaining card activity to support holders of tokens. The purpose of this platform is to play a major role in converting some investments with block chain technology. When you decide to join this agreement, I'm sure you can continue to experience and discover the founders idea.

The future of the Kaching platform as a first generation platform, which provides solutions to investor problems that can not timely, and whenever the market changes the encryption or high-level common and cheap encryption can be found for this platform potential users are willing to receive automatic notifications on their mobile device . Without most of their activities they leave the world. The goal is to build ecosystems that conceptualize mutual benefits between agents and users, as well as platforms that can further contribute to revenue stability. To solve the problems commonly faced by most investors, Kaching can cope, while providing smart solutions with the platform.


They Giving convenience to potential investors is one of the things that can be classified by corporate encryption in the world, but it gives me clear and detailed details and at the same time is a roadmap that determines what companies pay attention to investors in the future. or not potential.
It comes with the latest blockchain Kaching technology platform. And being one of the commercial and cryptographic market marketplaces through a democratic market system has huge advantages for shareholder profits.

Their systems use analog platforms to support the process of negotiating off-the-shelf asset types. In addition, this platform also uses the currency of the crypto itself, known as a trade Token. Kaching is a trading platform based on new methods of successful market blockchain performances and altering ecosystem finance functions. Developers expect to create large liquidity targets to support Token operations to help token owners.

The goal of this platform is to become a leader in converting many assets associated with blockchain technology. Once you decide to join this site through this negotiation, I am convinced that thanks to the experience and creative ideas of the founders, you can continue to invest and initiate exchanges or exchanges, of course, offering solutions to investor problems can not be an accurate time, and whenever changes in the market or high and common encryption variables of common cryptographic prices make this platform's potential users.

They are ready to receive notifications automatically in their mobile software. world, without leaving the role. The goal is to create an ecosystem that is a concept of mutual benefit between merchants and consumers, as well as platforms that can permanently contribute to revenue stability. To address the problems faced by most investors, Kaching takes the decision, offering smart platform solutions that help productivity and easy access to your account.

As changes in digital asset exchanges at the beginning of the year rose slightly sharply, there is a decentralized project that has value for investors to grow rapidly in the world. One definition of this network is to use a theme that is very unique compared to other platforms available in the world. because they have a balance and an investment process and have some greater returns from capital in ease before the sale of their assets.


Kaching is a blockade platform, which for the first time introduces a unique creative idea in the economic market of symbolic economics, which can start direct trade and on platform for exchange of digital assets.

Kaching is one result of the expansion of the blockbuster industry that has experienced good performance and great ideas based on a system that directly opens opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investments.

Being one of the first platform platforms to be produced, the company wants to create and help investors to be more worried about the world’s most suffering economic losses in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be changed by registered users in this chain of blocks. Some Important Points of the Kaching Platform This will be a moment when most of the registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will be in business. To answer the terms and conditions on the Kaching platform is a source of income that will ensure the value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem balance between buyers and sellers.

In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability of greater than the return on capital investment, symbolic sales will be more common among investors who want to profit on this platform.

The contact project that can be done after this is a major effort in a legal and secure project to trade tobacco and token products in the pulp and paper industry, start working and do a balanced system analysis in one of your own tactics and ideas that are directed by many investors.


This company has commercial value, which is very special in every exchange. Providing convenience to potential investors is one of the things that encryption companies can classify in the world, but it provides clear and detailed details and at the same time is a roadmap that determines whether or not the company is paying attention to future investors. potential. If you are looking for a market as a place to negotiate currencies, this is a solution that you can take as one of the main options for a cryptographic trading market based on the blockchain platform. It is equipped with the latest blockchain Kaching platform technology. This is one of the commercial currency markets and the exchange of cryptography through a market democracy system that has great advantages for shareholders’ profits. Not only this.

Kaching is a new trading platform based on successful blockchain methods that demonstrate the market and change the functioning of the financial ecosystem. This system uses its platform analogues to support the process of negotiating certain types of incredible assets. In addition, this platform also uses its own crypto currency, known as Token trading. The developers hope to create huge liquidity targets that support Token operations to help the owners of tokens. The goal of this platform is to become a leader in converting a lot of financial assets with blockchain technology.
After you decide to join this negotiating site, I’m sure that thanks to the experience and creative ideas of the founder, you can continue to invest and start exchanges or exchanges, which, of course,

The future of the Kaching platform as a first-generation platform that offers solutions to investor problems that can not be timely, and every time changes in the changing encryption market or the usual highs and lows of cryptographic prices make this platform potential users They are ready to receive automatic notifications on their mobile devices. the world, leaving no role. Its goal is to create an ecosystem that conceptualizes mutual benefit between traders and users, as well as a platform that can permanently contribute to income stability. To solve the problems that most investors face, Kaching comes to a decision, offering a smart solution with a platform that helps productivity and easy access to your accounts.

*Token Information*


*Token Name : KAC.
*Quantity : 247,000,000 KAC.
*Platform : Universal ERC-20.
*Exchange Rate : Starting At 0.2 USD.

*Allocation of Funds*

Most current of Trading Platforms will not be able to offer you the option to diversify your funds allocation when it comes to investing in multiple trading instrument. With the kaching ecosystem, you will be able to allocate your capital into different invesment streams so as to manage your risks better and not have all your capital in one proverbial egg basket. Diversity and investment customization is part of what Kaching wants to offer to the market.

*Tokenization and Bous program
*Token Standart - Ethereum ERC 20 Token
*Token Name - Kaching Coin (KAC) 
*Decimal - 18**
*Number of Token - 247.000.000.

Kaching coin (KAC) serves as a mechanism for transferring value in the Kaching Ecosystem. 50% of the total amount of token will be release in the Pre-ICO and ICO Phase.


* 2015 - 2017: Creation of Project Idea Foundation, team building, Global Fintech Ltd. Kaching was founded in London, England. Company number 11095157.

* February 2018: Sales of Personal Tokens Rounds off personal token distributions for initial users with a 66% bonus in just 2 weeks.

* Mar 2018: Personal Sales Token The first and second rounds are open for token launches. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a bonus of 33%.

* Apr 2018: Pre ICO 4 main release token for public. Each round only lasts for 2 weeks. Buy with a 25% bonus.

* May 2018: ICO Kaching Coin (KAC) begins to register on the internal and global exchanges, facilitating trade.

* Sep 2018: The Grand Lauching Social Trading Platform, the first key element in an ecosystem where investors, traders, IB share the advantages of each other.

* Q1, 2019: Large Funds And Users Bringing world-class funds dramatically improves investor profitability and total value of ecosystems.

* Then: Most Complete Ecosystem Develop Acedemy, RnD Lab, All ecosystems and start distributing dividends to token holders.



The growing IGaming industry every day provides new and exciting opportunities for the simple user. At the same time, the security of this user becomes more vulnerable than ever. Blockchain's technology makes a lot of effort to avoid or solve such problems and offer users or protected companies and decentralized systems from IGaming. One of these Blockchain startups is the DiceGame network that allows to handle IGmaing related issues.

Gambling. Probably one of the easiest ways to earn or lose money. It's fast and simple and now with today's technology, we can gamble from anywhere using our device with the help of iGaming Industry. However, we can never be too safe when it comes to gambling especially if there is a large amount of money on the phone. People will do anything to win in whatever way it takes. To gamble online, a person needs a safe place: a place where he knows that his money is in a safe place, his opponent can not cheat and overall has a great experience whether he wins or loses.

The platform is stamped giving more than 50% of the current winning chances about live games that do not demand any special experience. A decentralized DiceGame Network hosts P2P games that have no restrictions or deposit withdrawal issues. It works with Graphene technology that does not require high cost and provides high-speed transaction process. DiceGame promises a fair game atmosphere and real interaction among various users from around the world. Blockchain technology helps connect the world of IGaming and offers the best solution for any issues related to these games. Step by step DiceGame users learn that this is a platform of trust, decentralization, and security where every user's demands are the most important thing for the team.

* Introducing DICEGAME *

The answer is yes! "DiceGame is a special game platform for dice-type games.The developers of this platform study the most common and prominent issues in the iGaming industry and create Diceges in a way that handles all these issues so that anyone can have up to 50% chance of wining no matter how good or experienced.

This is a decentralized platform used to host peer-to-peer games around the world. DiceGame has a transparent mechanism, eliminating any kind of restrictions and based on Graphene Technology, low cost while high transaction speed.

There are many problems facing this platform directly and coming up with solutions. If you lack confidence in the system or if you feel limited by not being able to store or withdraw as much as the crypto currency you want or even if you use different dice game platforms and you see flaws in random number generators, you can be sure knowing it because of the technology blockchain.

How does it work?

You might think that it is too good to be true. It's really good and that's really true and we'll now explain how the platform works.

All games on the DiceGame platform work with the same values ​​and principles with all their game mechanisms that rely heavily on smart contracting. The purpose of this algorithm is to simplify two key values ​​in each game:

* has no reason to deceive.
* Verify game results.

There are various features that you love about DiceGame. Among them, users appreciate the high speed of each transaction. The graphene technology makes it possible to provide 10,000-100,000 transactions every second. So high speed is not a problem in the framework of this platform. One of the coolest features of the DiceGame platform is an easy system that does not require certain skills to play. This network encourages beginners to try their luck and provide tremendous opportunities for those who take the first step in IGaming. The third important feature of the DiceGame network is the bonus policy for the contributors of this platform. Startup blockchain usually offer their specific currency policy. DiceGame gives its users the perfect opportunity to use BTC,

Shorten tokens called Dice are the token utilities provided by the platform. This token will help develop the network and gather as many users as possible to build a strong player community around the world. During public sales people will get a chance to get over 70% of the DICE token but if all tokens are not sold, the remaining part will be burned. The total number of Dice tokens is 210,000,000.

The team was asked to promise to arrange HOT sales with an impressive 40% discount, so if you want to follow news about public sales or get information about tokens, please visit the official Web Site and join Telegram.

You can get a super discount if you follow the timeline. Those who are the token contributors from 22.05.2018 to 05.06.2018 will get 20%, from 06.06.2018 to 20.06.2018, it is 15%, from 21.06.2018 to 06.07.2018 it is 10%. Those who take part in token sales from 07.07.2018 to 07.08.2018 will not get a discount, so be careful to keep up with updates and events not to miss the opportunity to be a small part of the extended family.




BITproperty is A platform that lets you invest in real estate around the world during the initial construction phase. At what, investment can be minimal, with an excellent income of about 150% per annum. The BitProperty platform provides safe and efficient participation in joint construction, as all real estate transactions are kept in smart contracts. Thus, the BitProperty platform is a combination of legal, financial, technical, and blocking areas that will completely transform the real estate market radically.

*The BitProperty Mission*

Provide an opportunity for those who invest in real estate, both commercial and residential, at any stage of construction without geographical reference. Our goal is to make this process as quick, transparent and safe as possible.

*The purpose of this project*

The main objective of this project is to enable people interested in participating in investing, at the same time, the developer receives a large number of interested people who want to buy real estate during the construction phase.

BitProperty Ecosystem is an ecosystem that fully covers the cycle of investing in commercial and residential real estate in the early stages of construction, by tokenization and digitalization. It helps investors to participate in investments from $ 1000 and receive up to 150% per annum, and developers can quickly and easily find investors.

The ecosystem is developed as a decentralized application (Dapp) on the Etherium platform and consists of two large subsystems:

• BitProperty Fund (portfolio of real estate tokens) – where investors will invest.
• Services BitProperty Ecosystem, which solve the following tasks: Select the best real estate for investment, help objects tokenize and go on sale to investors, provide the necessary infrastructure for fast transactions from real estate tokens to Bitpro-tokens and to the Etherium crypto currency.

Provide anyone with the opportunity to invest in real estate, both commercial and residential, at any stage of construction without geo-referencing. Our goal is to make this process as quick, transparent and safe as possible.

One of the main problems of the modern real estate market is closeness and conservatism at the initial stage of construction, when the developer most in need of initial capital. An outdated model of monitoring and monitoring of the construction industry often leads to increased construction costs and time-limits for delivery of the facility, making this industry accessible to far from everyone. 

This problem is exacerbated by the lack of a unified database of construction sites that require additional funding, as well as limited public access to this information. This solution gives an opportunity to all – both large companies and individuals to take advantage of the opportunity and take part in the construction in the early stages without geo-referencing. At the same time, this platform opens the possibility for developers around the world to attract finance from a variety of different and unrelated sources, thus increasing the pool of participants. Such a system creates an atmosphere of competition and adequate pricing.


Our specialists have a successful investment experience in real estate and know the lucrative project criteria.

* High profitability *

In single cities, such as Dubai, Moscow, Sochi and others, real estate is a very profitable and reliable investment method.


All payments are covered by the Ethereum ERC20 smart contract.

The BitProperty Platform is now a leader. The BitProperty ecosystem fully encompasses investment cycles in high yield projects and helps potential real estate objects from around the world to seek funding for the first participant.

In the future, decentralized app (Dapp) will be developed on the Ethereum platform. Why you should entrust your money with the BitProperty Fund, and not invest in your own

Hedging risk. BitProperty Fund carefully selects the real estate object and monitors it in 24/7 mode. You can monitor the progress of on-line construction,
Community experts. Organized access to chat with experts in real estate investing. Security.

Apply a mechanism for protection against fraudulent transactions. Tokenisasi is completely transparent.

Professionalism. We have accumulated a lot of experience in investing in real estate in the early stages of construction.

* Ecosystem from BitProperty *

P2P platform algorithm. BitProperty platform work process can be explained as follows:

• BitProperty Fund and Developer introduce object description to the BitProperty Ecosystem
• Buyers find properties that meet the criteria.
• The buyer offers through a smart contract to the subject register under appropriate legal conditions.
• The seller accepts the offer by signing it with a digital signature.
• Intermediaries are aware of their functions (contract analysis, notary actions, etc.).
• Once the conditions mentioned above are met, the smart contract launches a payment system that allows customers to make payments in crypto currency.
• Smart contracts monitor payments and transfer ownership to a new owner in the BitProperty registry after all requirements are met.


Token BPS
PreICO Price 1 BPS = 0.25 USD
Price 1 BPS = 0.5 USD
Bonus Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH, BTC
Soft cap 800,000 USD
Hard cap 25,000,000 USD
Country Hong Kong
Whitelist/KYC Whitelist

*ICO bitproperty*

BitProperty Token - Is a token utility used to provide access to the BitProperty database and transaction processing system. Token buyers will have the right to choose the real estate object in which they wish to participate, monitor the work and stop participating in a particular project.

Pre-ICO Period: March 30, 2018 - April 15, 2018
ICO Period: April 16, 2018 - May 30, 2018
Symbol Token -
BPS Platform - Ethereum,
Pre-ICO Prepaid Currency Saving List - ETH, BTC, LTC,
Fiat Token Released: 80 000 000

Distribution Token:

Total tokens for sale - 64 000 000
Invited to team and adviser - 8 000 000
Reserved for further development - 8 000 000
Price in Pre-ICO period: $ 0.25 + bonus 35%
Price in the ICO period: $ 0.5
Bonus for ICO - 50%
Soft Cap: $ 800,000
Hard Cap: $ 25,000. 000

Image result for bitproperty bounty

Investors can exchange BitPro back to ETH according to the following rules:

- no earlier than 6 months after the fund launch.
- no earlier than 3 months after investing in funds. TEAM.


Image result for bitproperty bounty

* Team *

• Nikolay Plekhanov CEO and founder of BitProperty Fund and BitProperty Ecosystem
• Ruslan Mamedov Commercial advisor and founder Prosperus Sochi Invest Group
• Markunasova Anna Associate Director, Investment. Founder Mark Invest Group Sochi
• Kashirskih Tatyana Professional Real Estate Broker
• Fedorovich Dmitriy Associate Director, Investment. Founder WarmHouse Moscow
Professional consultants
• Oleg Torbosov Founder WhiteWill Real Estate Moscow, adviser on investments
• Irik Rafikov Founder of Real Capital Sochi, adviser on investments
• Yan Palmachinsky ICO advisor, founder of Endo Encrypted Documents
Technical team for project implementation
• Alexander Shishkin Technical director, specialist in blockchain
• Michail Korchagin Head of marketing department
• Aleksey Korchagin Technical specialist

Further information:



PayVX is the Most Simple, Fastest, and Safest Payment Technology in the World. Crypto-Currency Escrow Service Provided Establishing Secure Bridges And Creating Trust Relationships Between Both Parties For Online Business Transactions.

Because Crypto-Currency Transactions Can not Be Fixed, Dealing With Unresolved Parties Is A Serious Risk Rate For Buyers and Sellers.

PayVX Effectively Secures This Process, Ensuring Confidence And Trust To Operate Its Operations.

PayVX reduces the risk of fraud by acting as a trusted third party that collects, holds, and only disburses funds when Buyer and Seller are satisfied.


Buyer and Seller agree to terms - Buyer or Seller initiates the transaction. After signing up for PayVX, all parties agree to the terms of the transaction.

Buyer pays PayVX (escrow) - Buyer sends payment with a payment method approved for our Escrow Account secure, verifies payment, Seller notifies it funds have been secured 'On Escrow'.

Seller sends / sends goods or services (eg website) to Buyer - After payment verification, Seller has the right to apply goods or services and sends tracking information. PayVX verify that Buyer receives merchandise.


Buyer receives merchandise - Buyer has several days should be checked for merchandise or service and the option to accept or reject it. Buyer receives merchandise or service.

PayVX (escrow) pays Seller - PayVX releases funds to Seller from Escrow Account.

What is an escrow service?

Escrow is a financial arrangement in which a third party holds and arranges the payment of necessary funds to two parties involved in a particular transaction. This helps make transactions more secure by saving payments in a secure escrow account that is only released when all terms of the agreement are met as overseen by an escrow company.

Escrows are particularly useful in cases of transactions where large sums of money are involved and a number of obligations must be met before payment is released as in the case of a website being built in which the buyer may want to confirm the quality of the work performed prior to making the full payment, and the seller does not want to extend a large number an unsecured job that he / she will receive payment.


Although traditional escrow services are quite difficult and must be obtained through banks and lawyers, PayVX provides online escrow services at affordable prices. While the payment is 'In Escrow', the transaction can be done safely without risk of losing money or merchandise due to fraud. It removes all legal jargon and allows for secure transactions and buyers and sellers who are confident.

* PayVX Tokens *

The key element of the PayVX platform is PVX - the asset based on ERe20 standard. The token is available for purchase through the user account on the platform by means of the internal account («wallet») of the platform.

Create nodes of trust in the platform. Ensure the right to decide as well as to receive profit of every successful trade.

The Program will run until the end of ICO, which is July 4th, 2018.A total of 4% of the Total Supply of PayVX tokens are reserved for Bounty Campaigns and Referral campaigns.

Exchange Rate: $ 0.04 - $ 0.10 = 1 PayVX Token (Range Price from Presale to ICO).

* Goals *

1.Creating guarantees between contractors in all spheres.
2.Ensuring mutually beneficial relationships between all the participants on the platform.
3 Creating an independent system without developer interference.
4 Raising the social interest in cryptocurrencies

* Presale - March 20 - April 20, 2018
* ICO Crowdsale - May 1 - July 4, 2018


PVX Public Presale

token allocation

token distri



*Team & Advisors*


Further information:



Afeli is an innovative 3D market, perfect integration with new social networking

Afeli is an innovative 3D market, perfect integration with new social networking.

A decentralized project that has the best value for potential investors or investors, is one of the projects that will grow rapidly, as the fluctuation of digital asset exchanges at the beginning of this year increased significantly. This network definition uses a completely unique theme from other platform platforms around the world, having a balance value and an investment process that has a profit value that exceeds the capital required for modern digital asset trading. AFELI COIN blockchin is the platform that for the first time introduces a unique creative idea in a symbolic economic market economy, which can start a personal trading and digital asset exchange platform.


Afeli completely alters the known processes in commerce, communications, and entertainment with the help of 3D technology. What does it look like?

For example, a girl wants to pick and buy clothes online. Enough for him to upload his physical parameters (height, weight, hip, etc.) to Afeli platform, as well as photos taken on your phone or webcam. After that, a virtual avatar is created on the platform, and users get a chance to try on any outfit from the Afeli partner store.

From now on, the girl can find out how a particular outfit will be with her. At any time, he could get advice from the seller who was in the store at the time. In addition, there is always an opportunity to learn the opinions of his friends about the new dress, sending them a 3D model on the Afeli social network.

For stores, this service increases the chances of re-purchase, as consumers may want to customize other clothes as well after dresses on beautiful avatars.

The same goes for millions of other goods, services and entertainment. Users get a number of options:

* Book a room at a certain hotel. You do not need to trust the pictures and descriptions anymore. You can personally see how the room looks in real life, walk on it, look to the bathroom and go out on the balcony.

* You can also play in a real casino, rather than a virtual one, talk to a dealer and even leave him some tips to win.

* You can independently create a design in your apartment. Then you can immediately order selected furniture, wallpaper, ceramic tile, etc. On the platform.

The advantages of integrating the Afeli platform are clear for business:

* Demonstrations of 3D-avatar items sharply highlight such sellers against a more conservative background of competitors.

* Businesses save a significant amount of costs associated with returning items that do not fit for some reason.

* The next sale to the same customer is facilitated.

* Young companies get the opportunity to start spectacularly and attract customers without big budgets for advertising and marketing.


People have gained new opportunities for development, communication and consumption with the emergence and development of the Internet. If previously required to leave home and visit the shop or market to make a purchase, almost every purchase can be done remotely by paying for goods or services over the internet now.

On the one hand, it saves time. On the other hand, it is not always possible to "evaluate the best goods.

When buying clothes or shoes over the internet, you have to rely on the accuracy of the specified parameters. However, often the clothes sent from online stores do not match the size requested.

When choosing and reserving a room at a hotel, you should navigate the photos and descriptions posted on the website, which seem to beautify reality.

Other goods or services may not please the consumer. If he has, the opportunity to rate his previous bid, discontent can be avoided simply by choosing different and more appropriate options.


* Virtual installation space. It gives online stores an advantage and sets it apart from its competitors. This allows the customer to make a complete impression of the garment and make sure that the items are suitable for him in every way.

* Marketplace. This allows furniture manufacturers, devices, and accessories to demonstrate the goods in 3D.

*Social network. Users are given social networking opportunities like Facebook, but in addition, each participant has an interactive 3D avatar.

*Playground. It includes a number of game apps, both own and third parties, where users can use their 3D avatars.

AFELI COIN is presented at the beginning of the year in the company's commercial encryption, which has certain characteristics, with many commercial commercial kriptovymi markets and

* Young companies get the opportunity to start spectacularly and attract customers without big budgets for advertising and marketing.


People have gained new opportunities for development, communication and consumption with the emergence and development of the Internet. If previously required to leave home and visit the shop or market to make a purchase, almost every purchase can be done remotely by paying for goods or services over the internet now.

On the one hand, it saves time. On the other hand, it is not always possible to "evaluate the best goods.

When buying clothes or shoes over the internet, you have to rely on the accuracy of the specified parameters. However, often the clothes sent from online stores do not match the size requested.

When choosing and reserving a room at a hotel, you should navigate the photos and descriptions posted on the website, which seem to beautify reality.

Other goods or services may not please the consumer. If he has, the opportunity to rate his previous bid, discontent can be avoided simply by choosing different and more appropriate options.


* Virtual installation space. It gives online stores an advantage and sets it apart from its competitors. This allows the customer to make a complete impression of the garment and make sure that the items are suitable for him in every way.

* Marketplace. This allows furniture manufacturers, devices, and accessories to demonstrate the goods in 3D.

*Social network. Users are given social networking opportunities like Facebook, but in addition, each participant has an interactive 3D avatar.

*Playground. It includes a number of game apps, both own and third parties, where users can use their 3D avatars.

AFELI COIN is presented at the beginning of the year in the company's commercial encryption, which has certain characteristics, with many commercial and high commercial kriptovymi markets that dominate the market. AFELI COIN Company Being one of the big successful companies in the future. The trade of cryptocurrency in the world never escaped the rise of currency value and exchange rate, it is something natural for commercial kriptovyh companies, in addition, the company has no creative ideas, of course, the system does not invest in investment, it's a catastrophe that can be fatal with the destruction of the company.

A decentralized investment fund in a block platform for investors worldwide is an effective philosophy offered by this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the project owner and the token owner. With so many markets in the world this year kriptonauki competitors from many companies that sell or commercialize, should have more unique characteristics and creativity, can be one of the achievements that can reach commercial kriptovoe community.


With the increasing number of users and the advantages of platform services, more tokens will be withdrawn from circulation and burned. A constant AFL growth will lead to additional demand from investors and speculators, which will drive prices up even more.


It is planned to release a total of 10 million tokens. Their placement will take place on the Ethereum platform.

50% of the profits received from Afeli's services will be paid to the token holder as a dividend.
50% will be used for platform scale.



The AirDrop campaign is limited to 10,000 participants.
Prizes for participation in the AirDrop campaign - 10 AEI.

How to participate in AirDrop campaign?

Fill out the registration form:

Follow Telegram and group channels:

Follow Twitter:

Retweet the following note:

Follow Facebook:

Resend the following post:

Follow the official AfeliCoin page at Reddit:

Comment on Reddit

Upvote each post in Reddit

Create a report on BitcoinTalk in the following form:


Login your Telegram or link to your Telegram account.
Link to your Facebook account.
Link to your Twitter account.
Your login in Reddit.

*Information About Token*

added: Token will be obtained from 24 to 31 July (after the end of ICO)

Offer to your friends participation in the AfeliCoin AirDrop campaign and earn 5 additional AEIs for each interested participant. For that your friend (referral) should direct your BitcoinTalk nickname in your "Reference" field in the registration form.

* Token Afeli *

Afeli coin (AEI) adalah platform token berdasarkan Ethereum dari standar ERC20. Masalah dan sirkulasi token oleh kontrak pintar. Token dapat digunakan untuk platform layanan, atau untuk mempertahankan sebagai aset untuk menerima dividen. Setelah ICO, token dapat menguntungkan untuk dijual pada setiap pertukaran crypto, daftar yang termasuk AEI.

* Detail ICO *

Token dapat dibeli di Pre ICO atau di ICO. Pada tahap awal, harga akan lebih rendah, dan bonus tambahan tersedia. Untuk jarak dalam Pra ICO atau ICO, Anda harus mendaftar dalam Formulir khusus. Token AEI dapat membeli di bursa pertukaran kripto.


Tanggal mulai: 15 April 2018 - 15 Mei 2018.
Harga token AEI: 0,001 ETH.


- 1 minggu - diskon 20%;
- 2 minggu - diskon 15%;
- 3 minggu - diskon 10%;
- 4 minggu - diskon 5%.

* ICO *

Tanggal mulai: 15 Juni 2018 - 15 Juli 2018.
Harga token AEI: 0,002 ETH.
Soft cap: 1.000 ETH.
Hard cap: 5.000 ETH.

* Distribusi Token *


Q1 2017
Start working on 3D avatar project.

Q2 2017
Formed the concept of Afeli platform.

Q3 2017
The Afeli team is formed, the prototype is tested.

2018 years
Works on platforms and security systems.

Q1 2018
Preparation for ICO.

April 2018
Pre ICO. Preparing an alpha version of the Afeli platform.

June 2018

July 2018
Distribution Token, listing on the stock exchange.

August 2018
Launch an alpha version of the Afeli platform.

Q4 2018
Test the 3D platform "in real terms."


So my review of this amazing project, Hope to add information that can provide more benefits in investing in the future, Let's succeed this project ...

For more information:

Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

miboodle logo | miboodle pre-sale | miboodle presale | miboodle main sale

miBoodle is a decentralized block based application / platform based on technology and uses its own currency to perform multiple transactions within the platform, a currency called MIBO tokens.

The miBoodle team has built the first money-making online platform that democratizes the advertising industry based on blockchain technology. Our main goal is to provide online income in an efficient, transparent and responsible manner, utilizing pre-packaged online digital advertising channels for the mass market. miBoodle opens the world of online advertising to the general public. The Company approves monetization assets and provides all members with a route to market based on social media integration.

How does miboodle work?

MiBoodle can create micro-publishers, micro-social influencers and micro affiliates. You can begin to envision a platform that opens the world of online advertising and allows everyone not just to big companies. They are open so anyone can make money online and be free to use.

miBoodle is a platform that allows users to use monthly news using sustainable digital media including All members can be micro-publishers, build 10 personalized news websites based on content that interests you.

All members can become Social-Influencer by providing social media campaigns aimed at your various social networks. miBoodle takes this campaign across and re-allocates revenue to you that you can see on your dashboard.

All members can become Micro Affiliates. Our affiliate program is a Referral-based program where miBoodle will pay you for all the new members you generate through the miBoodle platform.


1. Become a web publisher

Membership of miBoodle allows members to create up to 10 personal news sites with topics that interest them. You simply add the Keyword Topics you're interested in and the best technology for us that analyzes all the content we receive every day and only you customize the site with content that matches your Keyword Topics, plus your own content about the subject that provides all the unique sites which you can share across your network manually or automatically.

2. Become a Social Publisher

Everyone who has a social media account can become a social influencer and with our miBoodle allows consumers who have 100 to 100,000 followers to start monetizing their social audiences by becoming a Social Influencer. You simply enter your social media account with miBoodle, select the campaign you just submitted to Social account, Send & Voila, your first Social influencer campaign has been submitted. Check your dashboard to adjust revenue.

3. Become an Affiliate

Be Affiliates can not be easier, you just try your friends through the platform and everyone you support, the best thing about our Affiliate program, you just automatically set it up, new members and you get paid, very simple.

4. Change miBoodle

miBoodle offers all members to improve opportunities through miBoodle measurements! miBoodle is built in 4 tier with each level allowing members to increase their number, to get to the next level you need to use miBoodle token as utility token at next level you will get more.

*MiBoodle ICO and token sale*

miBoodle operates with blockchain technology and the token based on Ethereum. Its own token is MIBO token. If you’re a successful miBoodle member/website owner and you can get a lot of view in your post then you will get your payment. You can choose your payment either by fiat or MIBO token.

If you interested in this application then you can invest or get its MIBO token during presale and ICO so you can use this platform easily in the future. The total of token available is 600.000.000 MIBO token that will be ready to go to you in crowd sale during 1st May until 31st May 2018.

If you interested in joining miBoodle ICO and be a part of miBoodle grow please don’t miss the ICO and you can use it for better purpose or invest it to get the best ROI.

Digital Ticks - this project is inherently a crypto currency exchange. Which is based on their business professionals. He's involved in professional traders. And who better not know how, how to operate the system properly and what needs to be fixed, for the use of a complete and convenient exchange. Their main goal is to eliminate all the pressing issues in this area and bring their project to the top.

This platform has the following working principles:

This, crypto currency exchange is inherently an exchanger, with a simple and easy-to-understand interface for each user. Thanks to this, maximum user comfort and convenience are achieved. So, not the unimportant aspect is that there is minimal waiting time on the platform, which creates convenience.

A very important protection aspect. Knowing the importance of this aspect, the team implemented maximum protection from the user's crypto currency purse using the Multi-Signature Wallet, Google's 2-factor authentication and DDoS protection. Quite a serious level of protection, is not it?
Income platform is done with various commissions. For example, like, commissions for transactions, commissions for new token lists, exchange commissions, thanks for this, the trading process is as smooth as possible.

Also, the project has a very interesting referral program. For example, suppose you advise your friend to purchase this platform token, called DTX. With the purchase, you will receive five percent. And your friend will also receive five percent. This will be achieved through a special referral fund, made by the company. Simply put, when you buy a thousand tokens, you get 50 tokens, and your friends who buy DTX will receive 1050 tokens. Simple math is nothing more.

I also wanted to note the main advantages of the project:

*High speed of all transactions.
*Possibility of using several trading pairs.
*Simple and intuitive interface.
*Consult of trade indicators, which will help you to orient and take a decision to the user.
*A couple of words, for which you need an internal DTX token.
*A good use of the token, the user will be able to trade in several places at once.
*You can view several trading processes on one screen.
3.Very convenient and easy trade in one click by means of hot keys, which makes the trade very convenient and comfortable.
*Also, thanks to the DTX token, you will be able to get a discount on the commission. *Up to fifty percent, pay the commission for withdrawing funds, pay for the listing, as well as pay for the functionality of assistance and obtain trade-related information, such as analytics. Which is very attractive.
*Now I propose to talk about the ICO of this project.
*The main stage of sales will be held from April 15, 2018 to May 15, 2018.

Name of the token: DTX.
The price per unit of the token will be: 1 DTX = 0,375 $ – 0,7 $.
The minimum sales target is $ 5,700,000.
Maximum sales target: $ 30,000,000.
Tokens will be available for: BTC / ETH / Wire Transfer

Further information:

ANN Thread:

Author (morata):;u=1074956

ZANTEPAY is an Estonian company for the manufacture of crypto currency purses, whose purpose is the integration of MasterCard functions, which allows the use of their crypto currency anytime and anywhere. The ZantePay MasterCard form will receive support from the Good Finance Company, which provides financing options in Estonia. Users only need to register, accept a pre-order and start using their cryptographic card for a transaction at no cost whatsoever. In fact, companies want to provide solutions that will allow users to easily spend their crypto currency via a debit card using a multi-mail wallet.

Features a bag with multiple crypto currencies

ZantePay ZANTEPAY will consist of a multi-wallet cryptocurrency with built-in MasterCard, which supports the use of different types of crypto currencies. This type of integration will be aimed at solving three major issues facing the crypto currency system community. These problems include the high costs often arise during the exchange, the nature of inheriting digital assets and integratsiyu.Sledovatelno, ZANTEPAY strives to offer the following set of user solutions: ZANTECOIN acts as a local ZANTEPAY sign in the ecosystem and is based on the Ethereum flowchart (compatible with ERC20) and will acts as the main crypto currency prepaid card that users can use to spend bitcoyne, Ethereum, Litecoin and Zantecoin straight from their wallets.

50% discount for all services in the ZANTEPAY ecosystem, if a user using ZANTECOIN ZANTEPAY will offer a minimum commission to exchange the owner of the wallet and enable them to achieve easy liquidity.

The ZATEPAY wallet has additional recipient options so the user can assign someone responsible if anything happens.

ZanteXay ZNX Token ICO

ZANTEPAY Pre-ICO has been started as early as March 15, 2018, the token price is set at 0.05 for one ZNX. Investors can buy tokens using ETH, and take over from the 600 million ZNX tokens available before July 15, 201. This is only 30% of tokens with 600 million other coins allocated for marketing activities. 800 million other tokens go into product development, business operations, and ZANTEPAY management in the future.

solutions offered ZantePay:

ZantePay prepaid card users can spend BTC, ETH, LTC, and ZNX (more crypto currency to come) anytime, anywhere.

ZantePay works with better (cheaper) exchange fees for customers.
The ZantePay wallet will allow naming one recipient in case of the account owner's death.

ZNX Pre-sale ICO

During ICO a total of 600,000,000 tokens will be distributed to users.
On March 15, 2018 at 19:00 Tallinn time, ZantePay will launch pre-ICO to distribute 30,000,000 ZNX.
The token price during pre-ICO 0.05 € (minimum purchase amount is 0.01ETH).
There will be a total of 2,000,000,000 ZNX.
No more ZNX tokens created after ICO will be closed.
Only registered users can participate in the Zantepay ICO project. The registration procedure should be done on the project's official website. After registration, you will be able to participate in ICO.
Each ZNX token will be sold at a fixed price in ETH. ZNX Token will be available for purchase on ICO participant personal account. Token will be sent to the user's wallet shown shortly after ICO completion.

*ICO Details*

Token Name: ZNX
Pre-Sale Price: 0,05 EUR
Sales Price: 0,1 EUR
Bonus: Yes
Platform: Ethereum
Accepted Payment: ETH
Soft Cap: 10,000,000 ZNX
Hard Cap: 600,000,000 ZNX
KYC: Requested
Country: Estonia


Zantepay's roadmap, which aims to be listed on the stock exchange shortly after ICO sales, started at the end of 2017. The platform, created by an experienced and experienced team, plans to complete sales and launch Zantepay in 2018. In 2019, Zantepay aims at artificial intelligence integration and project development.

The income from ICO sales will be used as follows.

34% Share of Business Development
26% Share in Marketing
25% Share in Product Development
15% Share in Artificial Intelligence Development

You can use the links below to find out more about this project, which can change the payment habits of many people who do not like to carry money, and send their questions to the team members.

IСO [15 April, 2018 - 15 July, 2018].